“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me,naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.” – Matthew 25:35-36
Tyrone Rhabb, Program Administrator
Contact Phone: (516) 623-5710
About Dismas House
After paying their debt to society, many men released from correctional facilities are faced with the realities of Community Re-integration and Societal Transition. Understanding that community level support, is crucial to that endeavor, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul created the Dismas House Transitional Program. A program designed for those men suffering from the disease of addiction who recognize the need for change and are willing to do whatever is necessary to improve their quality of life. Dismas House is a departure from a traditional institutional setting and is a safe, protected, and supportive environment that is structured to address the needs of this challenging, yet deserving population.
“Jesus … comes to save us from the lie that says no one can change” – Pope Francis
Through a compilation of on-site and outsourced rehabilitation and techniques, including addiction/alcoholism recovery, sobriety maintenance and spiritual guidance, our residents develop the skills required to achieve independence, while acclimating into society. To augment their developing core skills, daily life skills are also taught. Residents are guided through budgeting, time management, conflict resolution and when necessary, table and attire etiquette. Permanent housing assistance is facilitated as the final step toward stabilization and independence for Dismas Houses’ graduating residents.
Though non-sectarian, Dismas House encourages voluntary scripture reading, prayer and the inclusion of other spiritual aspects of recovery. The average length of stay to achieve stability and independence is six months and may be extended to a year if needed.
Would you like to help?
Please review the wish list below. You may drop the items off at the Central Council in Bethpage Monday-Friday 9am-4:45pm. We are located at:
249 Broadway,
Bethpage, NY 11714
Dismas House Wish List
1. Men’s clothes and shoes
2. Groceries
3. Household Supplies
4. Grooming Kits