Join Voice of the Poor (VOP) and advocate with us on behalf of those without a voice to advocate for themselves.
Note: Only Vincentians may join the VOP committee or serve as a VOP liaison. Please contact your Conference President to inquire about VOP opportunities.
In the spirit of Christian love and justice, the Voice of the Poor Committee upholds Catholic values by researching, validating, documenting, advocating and promulgating issues related to the condition of those living in poverty and the disenfranchised for the purpose of helping Vincentians to live their faith by acting knowledgeably and credibly as a unified body, speaking with one voice to build up the kingdom of God.
You may be wondering if the Society’s involvement in the political process is worth the effort. What can we really accomplish? Will phone calls, letters or visits to elected officials have an influence? We believe our Vincentian voice can make a difference.
Elected officials in Washington, D.C., in our state capitols, and in our city and county governments are there because of voters like us. Their central focus is to respond to voter concerns, and they need to hear from us.
Central Council of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul of Long Island
249 Broadway
Bethpage, NY 11714
Phone: (516) 822-3132