Ozanam Orientation May 2021
All Vincentians, but most especially New Members, are
invited and encouraged to
attend this recorded version of the Ozanam
Orientation designed for online platforms.
Tuesday, May 11th and Tuesday, May 25th
from 6:00 – 8:30pm
Both sessions need to be
completed for full participation.
As you know, Ozanam Orientation is a “Formation and Training Program” developed by
the National Council. The purpose of the program is to introduce new members to the
message “who we are and what we are all about” and to reacquaint existing members
with our spirituality, heritage, and the hallmark of the Society, the home visit.
This recorded version was created to specifically introduce New Members to the
Society during the Covid-19 pandemic, until a more traditional in person Ozanam Orientation can be coordinated.
Spanish translation will be provided for those interested.
Please register by April 28th so that reference materials can be mailed in advance.