When James was released from prison in November of 2014, sobriety was the last thing on his mind. “When I was in prison, I used to say that the first that I’m gonna do when I get out is get trashed,” says James. “But I didn’t. I came to Dismas House. And it’s the best thing that happened to me.”
Throughout his time at Dismas House, James learned to care for his health and his finances.
Perhaps most importantly, James reconnected with his son after only two days in the program, and learned that he was going to be a grandfather. This wonderful news served as an even greater impetus for James to change his life.
After graduating from the program, James joined the staff at Dismas House, where he served a mentor and the voice of experience for new residents. Shortly thereafter, he achieved his dream job of becoming a building supervisor. He remains close to his family and the staff at Dismas House to this day.